John Robertson, M.A. in TESOL, Biola University. Mr. Robertson has over 40 years of classroom teaching experience, including 15 years internationally - in Mexico, Egypt, Indonesia, and Malaysia. During his years in K-12 instruction, he also wrote curriculum for his schools and district as well as for the California State Department of Education and the National Center for History in the Schools. In addition, Mr. Robertson has evaluated history textbooks for the California State Department of Education. Since 2007, Mr. Robertson has taught English to multilingual adults, first at Santa Barbara City College, and for the past seven years in the English for Multilingual Students (EMS) program at University of California, Santa Barbara. His research interests include creating diverse, equitable, and inclusive classroom communities containing students from various regions and ethnicities. With colleague Ingrid Bowman, he described his action research in “Sequenced Peer Revision: Creating Competence and Community,” published in CATESOL Journal. He also has a special interest in helping budding writers integrate their personal experiences with authoritative sources into their academic writing. In Summers 2018 and 2019, he lectured on English-language and American topics at Xidian University in Xi’an, China.