Wednesday 1-3 and by appointment (Zoom)
In-person: email for appointment
Briana Westmacott is a Continuing Lecturer in the English for Multilingual Students program at the University of California, Santa Barbara, her alma mater. She completed her graduate studies at the University of California, Los Angeles and has been teaching for over twenty-three years. She develops and instructs undergraduate and graduate level courses designed to support multilingual students’ academic reading, writing, and speaking strategies. In addition, she has been a columnist for over ten years and has published her work in a variety of magazines and newspapers. Recently, she co-authored two projects based on peer mentorship and teaching higher education: The article Empowering Teachers to Write: An Innovative Online Framework for a Community of Practice in the Chronicle of Mentoring & Coaching (2022), and a book chapter, Fishing for Online Engagement in Better Practices (WAC Clearinghouse 2023). Traveling the world with her husband, two daughters, a camera, and a great book is her favorite pastime.